Thursday, December 31, 2015

New Year, New Food!

The New Year is here, and it’s time for a change! Instead of sticking with the same old resolutions that you know you aren’t going to fulfill, why not switch it up to something fun and exciting!

When making at a health based resolution, most people would say “I’m going to cut fatty foods from my diet”, or “I’m going to eat less carbs”, but that’s boring... How about trying a new food, each week!

This is a great way to introduce new foods to your body and keep your diet varied! There are a ton of websites that offer great new meal or snack solutions, and I guarantee you haven’t heard of most of them! I most often refer to or, both of these websites have a lot of articles that offer weekly meal plans. As I’m reading over the recipe, I often notice that some of the ingredients that I would usually turn my nose up to. But when you’re combing some ingredients together, it creates a whole new delicious flavor!

Here is one article to help get you started! I did all the leg work for you, now there’s no excuse!

Written by: Emily P.

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