Thursday, January 29, 2015

Learn how to get your tax refund fast and free, and get help to file

With the new year comes tax season – a great time to turn your refund into much-needed cash. But instead of paying fees to a tax preparer for a speedy refund, use a deposit account you already have (or open one) so you won’t lose a penny of what you have coming.

The website explains how you can access a free refund whether you prepare your own taxes, use a paid tax preparation service, or use any of the hundreds of sites around the state offering people with limited incomes free help to prepare and file their tax forms. The site explains how to use direct deposit to get a no-cost tax refund, where to find free tax assistance sites and what to bring for help with filing.

According to the Wisconsin Credit Union League, which maintains the site, every one of Wisconsin’s more than 2 million credit union members already has a savings account that can be used to receive a free tax refund. Those who don’t have an account can open one at a not-for-profit credit union by placing as little as $5 on deposit – far lower than what for-profit financial institutions require.

Many low-income filers – who seek a fast refund to pay bills and meet immediate needs – turn to paid tax preparers charging interest as much as 521% APR to obtain what’s called a "refund anticipation loan," or RAL. These short-term, high-interest loans – secured by the pending refund – can drain hundreds of dollars from a typical refund.

For example, a single worker making less than $32,000 and raising one child would qualify for a refund of as much as $2,600. But to obtain that refund using a RAL, the filer could pay more than $100 on top of a typical $150 tax preparation fee, losing more than $250 (a full 10 percent or more) of his or her total return. Put simply, if you use a RAL you’re paying dearly to borrow your own money.

Wisconsinites who took advantage of free tax assistance sites offering direct deposit in 2010, however, saved an estimated $14.8 million by avoiding RALs. Visit to learn more.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Wisconsin, Home of the…

  • Ice cream sundae: Two Rivers is recognized by the Wisconsin State Historical Society as the REAL birthplace of the ice cream sundae. In 1881, George Hallauer asked Ed Berner, owner of a soda fountain, to top his dish of ice cream with chocolate sauce. The five-cent concoction became very popular.
  • Hamburger: In 1885, Charlie Nagreen traveled to the fair in Seymour, Wisconsin with plans to sell meatballs. But when the meatballs collapsed, he invented a new plan by smashing the meat between two pieces of bread so people could eat on the go. Therefore, the hamburger made its first appearance.
  • Nation's largest water-themed park: In 1979, the Waterman family purchased property on U.S. Highway 12 in Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin and created a bumper boat ride and built a go-kart track. Today Noah's Ark is the largest water park in the United States. It features 51 water slides, and dozens of various attractions.
  • Green Bay Packers: On August 11, 1919, the Green Bay Packers were founded by former high-school football rivals Earl "Curly" Lambeau and George Whitney Calhoun. Lambeau asked for funds for uniforms from his employer, the Indian Packing Company and he was given $500 for uniforms and equipment, on the condition that the team be named for its sponsor. The Green Bay Packers have played in their original city longer than any other team in the NFL.
  • Toilet Paper Capital of the World: Green Bay has long been known as the "toilet paper capital of the world" because the first splinter-free toilet paper was produced here. The paper industry is still one of the area's largest employers.
  • Horizon Community Credit Union: Horizon Community Credit Union opened in 1932 as a credit union for Procter & Gamble employees. The membership has expanded due to continued growth and success. Success is on YOUR horizon...
Post by: Alice E.

Friday, January 23, 2015


Did you know that just by being a member of a credit union, you’re eligible for all kinds of great perks!?  You know you already get great things from the credit union specifically, but you could be getting even more!!  Interested?

The website has tons of discounts available to credit union members.   You could be saving on everything from GM vehicles, to Sprint cellphone plans, insurance, TV service, and tax prep!  All just for being a member of Horizon Community Credit Union!  Check it out!

Want to share the wealth?  If you know someone who is not a member, send them over!  Or, if they live outside of the Northeast WI area, there is a search feature on that will help them find a credit union to join in their area! 

If you want to learn more about what makes credit unions unique and why being a member is pretty cool, read more about “Why a Credit Union” while you browse the
great deals!    

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

New Fees, Old Fees, & What YOU Need to Know!

Fees?  What fees?!

Don’t panic! Most of our membership won’t be affected by ANY of our fees – even the new fees. The Fall Newsletter shows all of our fees, current and new, but if you missed the newsletter just check at either Horizon Community Credit Union branch and they can help you out. Which fees are new? Things like ‘current account activity printout’, so you still get a free statement, but now if you come in during the month and need a printed copy there will be a $1 fee. How to avoid the fee? Try checking your account online! Remember, we can give you any information on your account, the fee comes in when we have to print it out.

What else is new? There’s a dormant fee of $5 now. A dormant fee is assessed on accounts that are not used – no deposits, withdrawals, or payments in a 12 month period. How to avoid that? Use your account at least once every 12 months!! That’s it!

Of course we still have fees involving NSF/Overdraft, Stop Payments and Returned items. As these fees will generally not be waived, you still want to keep a close eye on your accounts so you don’t run into those fees.

A lot of fees can be waived depending on what level you are in for SunDrops points. For instance, if you are in the Silver group the fees for photocopies and faxing are waived! If you’re in the Gold group you aren't charged for a current month activity printout. Lucky you if you’re in the Platinum group, a lot of fees are completely waived!!!

So take a deep breath (of relief) and remember if you need any help - we’re here!

Post by: Mary D

Friday, January 16, 2015

Promise Deposits - It's MY money and I want it NOW!

When I was away at college, living at the university and I received a paper check, I had mixed feelings. I was very grateful that I received the check; however, getting to the financial institution was difficult without a car. I’ve also been in the situation where I was unable to get to a financial institution, no thanks to conflicting work hours. If you’ve ever faced a similar situation, take heart—you will no longer have to struggle with such conflicts. Horizon Community Credit Union is rolling out Promise Deposit!

Promise Deposit is a new product that allows you to promise a deposit of a check, but receive the funds immediately. In order to use this product, you’ll need to enroll and be approved. This can be done through your online baking portal. Hover over the heading in the upper left-hand side that says “My Accounts.” A large menu will pop up, and you will see “Promise Deposits” under the “Manage” heading. You will see the stipulations for promise deposit, which are also outlined below. It is then as simple as clicking the “Enroll Me” button. You will have to wait to be approved. You can also call HCCU or request enrollment when you’re at the teller window. No matter how you enroll, you will still have to be approved. It is also possible to have your Promise Deposit privileges revoked if you no longer meet the eligibility requirements.

As is to be expected, there are stipulations involved in using Promise Deposit. There can only be a maximum of 10 outstanding checks at any given time. The sum of all outstanding checks cannot exceed $1,000, and there is a $500 daily deposit limit. Once you promise a deposit, you have 4 calendar days to get the check to HCCU, whether that is in person, by mail, or by night deposit. There is a $2.50 fee for each check submitted via promise deposit. The fee is waived for Platinum level SunDrops members.

I've told you how to enroll and the stipulations, but I haven’t even gotten to the best part: actually using Promise Deposit! There are three steps when creating a new deposit. The first step requires you to fill out a form with all of the information on the check. To make it easier, the online form looks just like a check. For example, the box for the check number is in the same place as a check number on a normal check. Below the check form is a drop down menu that allows you to select the account you wish to deposit the check in. Once you have completed all of that information and selected your account, you must press the button that says “Add this check to my deposit” to continue. A window will pop up with the check number, amount, who the check is from, and where it will be deposited to. If you see any errors, this is your opportunity to fix them. Otherwise, you can continue. You will then be taken to the second step. You can review your deposits and remove them if you wish. You are also given the option to start over completely. The third step simply involves pushing the button that says “Complete this Deposit.” Once you have completed those steps, you are halfway done!

Halfway done, you say? Yep-Don’t forget that you have to get the checks to us. If you fail to send the check, the amount that you promised will be removed from your account and you put yourself at risk to lose Promise Deposit privileges or incur overdraft fees. After you have completed the steps listed in the previous paragraph and created a deposit, you will be taken to a page that will guide you on the mailing requirements. You must sign the back of all of your checks with your signature and the tracking number you are given. You will also need to print the Promise Deposit Certificate and mail it with your checks. At the bottom of the web page, you will be provided with our P.O. Box and your due date.

Even though we love to see your smiling face at our branches, we understand that some people have difficulty getting there. The frustration of check depositing can be a thing of the past for you. Enroll in Promise Deposit today!

Post by: Breanna B

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Now at HCCU - Debit Card Round-Up

Are you like me and want to add to your savings without it feeling like an effort?  We have a new program that started this year called ‘Debit Card Round-Up’, and it does just what it sounds like – every time you use your debit card the total bill gets rounded to the next dollar and the difference is put in your designated savings account!  So, say you’re at a convenience store getting gas and soda – your bill totals $34.36; with the round-up we will pay the store $34.36, put $0.64 to your savings at the end of the day, and the total taken from your checking will be $35.00.   If you use your debit card often you could be adding significant amounts to your savings!  The round-up money is not ‘held’ for any length of time, so if you find you've used your debit card so much that you need the money in savings – simply transfer funds back to your checking account.  See?  Savings without effort!

If you have any questions just stop in to either Horizon Community Credit Union branch and talk to any of our Member Service Representatives.

Post by: Mary DeGroot

Monday, January 12, 2015

EcoChecking...keep the green in the environment and in your wallet!

Do you use your debit card often? Have direct deposit that is deposited into your checking account? Use our online bill pay?  Receive e-statements?  Have a checking account or looking to get one?  If you answered Yes to all of these questions, you may qualify for our new EcoChecking account!

Why EcoChecking?
Let’s go green and stop all that paper wasting!  Choose EcoChecking and put those checks away for good!  By opting for electronic services instead (debit card, eStatements, and ACH/online bill pay – all more convenient anyways, right?!) you can earn a higher interest rate on your checking account.  Members who enroll and qualify for EcoChecking earn a higher interest rate of 2.0% APY on balances up to $10,000.00!  Much higher than our 0.05% standard checking account rate!

What does it take to qualify?
It’s easy!  Each calendar month you would need to have:
  • 12 debit card transactions that post and settle from your EcoChecking account 
  • 1 direct deposit, ACH withdrawal, or online bill pay transaction in your EcoChecking account
  • eStatements
*You cannot write checks from an EcoChecking account.  If checks are presented against your EcoChecking account, you will be charged a $2 transaction service fee per check at the end of the month.

Not within driving distance of HCCU or any of our affiliated ATM locations but need cash?
Use any ATM you can find!  HCCU does not charge you for using non-affiliated ATMs.  However, other financial institutions may charge you a fee for using theirs.  With an EcoChecking account, we’ll reimburse you that fee!  You can receive up to $10 in ATM surcharge refunds per month (paid at the end of the month) if you get charged for using non-HCCU ATMs.  How awesome is that!?

Let’s help keep our environment healthy while keeping our wallets full!  Call or stop in today to get more information to see if EcoChecking is for you, or to get your new EcoChecking account set up!

Post by: Kelly V

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Member Appreciation Week Feb. 2–Feb. 6!

We LOVE our members!  We appreciate each and every one of you every day, but the first week of February each year is when we extend a special thank you to all our members for their support and friendship.  Mark your calendars for February 2-February 6, because here are the events we have planned in order to celebrate:

  • Lunch will be served Wednesday, February 4th from 10:30-2:30 at both branches.
  • Our annual meeting will be held Wednesday, February 4th at 5:15 at our Voyager location.  Stop in to find out how 2014 was for HCCU, how we impacted our members and community, and what’s coming in 2015.
  • All week we will have lots of HCCU goodies and snacks in both lobbies.
  • Enter our drawing anytime that week by stopping in.  Tickets to enter will be given out based on the services you use with HCCU, so see an MSR to enter.  Can’t make it to the celebration?  E-mail us at between 2/2/15 & 2/6/15 and ask us to enter you!  

Monday, January 5, 2015

Monthly statements that are as UNIQUE as you are!

Are you sick of the look of your monthly statements you receive in the mail? Items can be tough to locate, or maybe the print is too small to read. And what YOU prefer in a monthly statement might be different from what your neighbor wants. Everyone has a different system for managing their finances, so HCCU IS HERE TO HELP! In conjunction with our new SunDrops rewards program rolling out in 2015, we are now offering custom style statements! There are now six new statement variations, all with different features to make the statement more understandable. One features large print so it is easily visible! Another has thick black lines to separate each section of the statement. There is also an option which has the statement in two columns to fit more information on one page! There are many different options to fit your individual needs! Your finances are not one-size-fits-all, so your monthly statements shouldn't be either!

I know you’re thinking of two key things... how can I set this up and how much is it going to cost me? The setup is simple! Stop in to either location and ask to see samples of each statement style! From there, we take care of everything! Next, cost! With our new SunDrops rewards program, your account earns points each month that place you in to a Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum category. Each category earns different benefits for being an active member with the credit union. If you are a Silver, Gold or Platinum member, this statement style upgrade is FREE! If you haven’t quite reached these levels yet, the cost per month is simply $1.50. (But you should definitely stop in to see us then, and we can give you some advice to bump up to the next SunDrops level!)

Out with the old, and in with the new! You’re unique and you deserve a unique monthly statement! Let’s kick off the New Year with easy to read statements and take control of managing your finances!

Post by: Emily P

Friday, January 2, 2015

Pay off your holiday debt AND save money doing it!

Cleaning up your debt from the holidays quickly will put you in a much better financial position for the rest of the year, and having a low interest rate will give you the opportunity to pay it off much faster.  There are lots of credit card offers out there, and it can all seem very confusing.  So how should you tackle it?

First, check with the credit cards you use to see if they are offering any specials.  Many places run balance transfer special periodically.  A couple important things to find out are, what is the special rate, how long is that rate in effect, will the rate go up if I make a payment late one month, what will my rate be if I still have a balance remaining after the special rate has expired, is there a maximum amount I can transfer, and is there a fee to do a balance transfer (if so, find out how much).  Next, compare your offers to see which one is best for you.
Now that you have found the right offer, gather all your credit card statements, and see which cards you are paying the highest interest on.  If you’re not sure which ones to move, call one of our friendly loan officers and make an appointment to go through your statements and find the best plan to get your credit card debt paid up.  You will be amazed at how much money you will save!
While you are comparing offers, make sure you check with us for more details on our special!  We are offering 0% APY*until 12/31/2015, but you have to do the balance transfer between 1/1/2015 and 2/28/2015 in order to take advantage of this great offer.  One biggie is that there is NO TRANSFER FEE!  That can be hard to find!  Don’t worry if you don’t have our VISA credit card yet, it’s easy to apply online at and we can have an answer for you in a jiffy.

Whether you go with our offer or another, the important thing is to get your debt paid down and pay as little in interest as possible.  At HCCU we want to help you do that, so if you need some help or guidance, come talk to us!  Remember, success is on YOUR horizon…

*Offer valid on transfer done by a HCCU employee between 1/1/15 and 2/28/15.  APR is Annual Percentage Rate.  Balance transfer at special rate of 0%APR applies to HCCU VISA Classic, Platinum, and Home Equity Cards.  Special Rate does NOT apply to cash advances or convenience checks.  Rate is subject to change on 12/31/2015.  See a member service representative for credit card account details and disclosures.

Post by: Cari J