Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Random Acts of Kindness - What's Yours?

Editors Note: Horizon Community Credit Union staff went into the community in early October (2015) and together performed 83 Random Acts of Kindness, which you can see here. No names are listed with any of the acts; however, Loan Officer Lori volunteered her reflection on one particular act of kindness she performed. What follows below is that reflection.

A few months back on my way to work each morning, I noticed this gentleman at the bus stop just standing there waiting, people standing around him, no one saying anything, people coming up to the stop sign and not noticing him or anything around him for that matter, including myself. So one day, I waved at him, he looked at me like I had 3 heads, looked around as if to say are you waving at me. He is an older man, scruffy beard, tough looking guy. I started wondering what his story was, how life had been to him, what he lived thru. Why he was standing at a bus stop at his age each morning, where was he going, what was he doing, did he have a family, etc.

So each day I pulled up to the stop sign, I would wave, finally he started waving back, now each morning when I pull up he has the biggest smile on his face and waves before I get a chance, but what I notice the most is his eyes. Before it just seemed that he would stand there with no expression of any kind, but now he has a giant smile and his eyes sparkle. When I pull up and he isn’t there I find my day is a little off, just a bit different. One day I stopped, got out of my car and walked up to him and introduced myself and asked him his name. His name is Leonard. One day I brought him coffee and he was so happy and grateful, each day I look for him. I hope in a small way I make him feel better about his day. I know for sure he has given me more than I have given him, he makes my day just a little brighter. Something money will ever be able to buy. Funny how a complete stranger can bring something to your day. I now look forward to seeing Leonard standing at the bus stop. I hope he looks forward to seeing me too.

We have become so programmed and have let electronics and technology take over our lives that we forget how important human interaction is. Just a wave , and it cost me nothing but has given me so much.

I love the random act of kindness, not only are we doing something for someone outside of ourselves, without any expectation of anything back, but you are literally giving to yourself. There is no better feeling than to do something for someone else when they don’t expect it.Especially in this day and age when everyone feels like others always have an ulterior motive for what they are doing.

Written by: Lori S.

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