Thursday, October 8, 2015

Tips So YOU Can Enjoy the Party!

  • Choose 5-6 different appetizers. Of those, 3 or 4 should be things you can make ahead of time and serve cold, room temperature, or easily reheat. 
  • Plan to prepare about 10 pieces or bites per person. Ex: for a party of 6, prepare about 60 pieces. If you are making 5 appetizers, make about 12 pieces of each. Always round up so you don’t run out!
  • Plan to serve a couple dips, bowls of nuts, or a cheese platter when guests arrive.
  • Write down the menu and print out recipes in advance.
  • Try your recipes ahead of time.
  • Note any garnishes you want to include with your appetizers so they aren’t forgotten.
  • Make a shopping list a few days before the event & try to get most of the shopping out of the way early.
  • Write out a schedule of what needs to be done the day before, the day of, and right before the party.
  • Take out serving platters and table decorations the day before. 

Relax and Enjoy!
Post by: Cari J.

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