Friday, October 9, 2015

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month!

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month   

I think everyone out there has been affected by some kind of cancer sometime during their life. Whether it is a grandparent, parent, sibling, relative, friend or if it is you, yourself. Cancer is a very non-decimating disease that can attack anyone at anytime. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and to raise awareness, BayCare Clinic Plastic Surgery has invited all businesses in Green Bay's Broadway district to decorate a bra in conjunction with national B.R.A Day (Breast Reconstruction Awareness Day) - October 21.

Area residents are able to vote on their favorite hand decorated bra October 1-15. Visit to vote for your favorite hand decorated bra. There are a number of businesses that are participating. On Thursday, October 15, breast cancer survivors will pick the winning bra from the top 10 bras with the most votes.

Check out the web-site, there are very creative ideas out there on these bra’s. Also, you can check out the businesses themselves and see the bra’s in person. What fun would that be to walk Broadway and visit businesses you did not know were out there and see some amazing bra’s on display.
Post by: Karen S.

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