- Use those coupons! - If you are really into coupons you could learn how to become an expert at extreme couponing!
- Make coffee at home - That way you aren’t spending $2-8 on something that can be done at home for less.
- Always try and pay off your credit card at the end of the month – no one wants to spend money on unneeded interest
- Bring lunch to work – it beats spending $5-15
- Make a list before you go out to do any shopping – you are more likely to stick to your list and spend less money
- Dine in more than you eat out
- Don’t pay for space you don’t need – I think this is a big thing nowadays. People think they need big houses to rent or buy but in the end it cost more money to heat/cool them causing you to spend unnecessary money for space you don’t necessarily NEED.
- Turn off the T.V. & Shut off the lights– This one seems like a no brainer but can be over looked sometimes.
Helpful Tip:
If you want a pair of shoes that cost $60 and you make an hourly wage of $10, think to yourself are these really worth 6 hours of work. Sometimes, all it takes is thinking about the amount of work it would take to pay for a single item to put things back into perspective.
Photo Courtesy of patheos.com
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