Monday, January 5, 2015

Monthly statements that are as UNIQUE as you are!

Are you sick of the look of your monthly statements you receive in the mail? Items can be tough to locate, or maybe the print is too small to read. And what YOU prefer in a monthly statement might be different from what your neighbor wants. Everyone has a different system for managing their finances, so HCCU IS HERE TO HELP! In conjunction with our new SunDrops rewards program rolling out in 2015, we are now offering custom style statements! There are now six new statement variations, all with different features to make the statement more understandable. One features large print so it is easily visible! Another has thick black lines to separate each section of the statement. There is also an option which has the statement in two columns to fit more information on one page! There are many different options to fit your individual needs! Your finances are not one-size-fits-all, so your monthly statements shouldn't be either!

I know you’re thinking of two key things... how can I set this up and how much is it going to cost me? The setup is simple! Stop in to either location and ask to see samples of each statement style! From there, we take care of everything! Next, cost! With our new SunDrops rewards program, your account earns points each month that place you in to a Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum category. Each category earns different benefits for being an active member with the credit union. If you are a Silver, Gold or Platinum member, this statement style upgrade is FREE! If you haven’t quite reached these levels yet, the cost per month is simply $1.50. (But you should definitely stop in to see us then, and we can give you some advice to bump up to the next SunDrops level!)

Out with the old, and in with the new! You’re unique and you deserve a unique monthly statement! Let’s kick off the New Year with easy to read statements and take control of managing your finances!

Post by: Emily P

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