Thursday, April 16, 2015

Road Trip!

Road trips are inevitable. At some point or another, we all have to take them. So might as well make the most of them! With a little preparation, you can make your road trip go by faster and more smoothly. Here’s what I do to before taking a road trip:

1. Review the route. I’m a big fan of Google Maps, and because I’m so directionally challenged, I’ll end up relying on it completely. But I do try to actually look over the route before I start the trip so that I have a basic idea of where I’m going and what major highways I have to take. That way if Google Maps fails me, I’m not totally lost.

2. Come up with a great playlist. Depending on how long the trip is, you might have to come up with several playlists. But it’s totally worth the time it takes to set them up. Listening to the radio on a long car trip means you’re probably going to end up endlessly changing radio channels or listening to the same ten songs that play over and over again. Having great new music you’re excited to listen to or having songs you know by heart can make the trip go by a lot faster.

3. Bring snacks. We all know how tempting it is to buy all sorts of snacks and junk food when you stop to get gas. Not only is this expensive, it also adds time to your trip. If you’re really pressed for time, searching the aisles is not going to help. Instead, plan to pack some snacks with you. Nuts are great because they take a while to eat, and they fill you up. You can even bring a small cooler to keep drinks cold.

4. Plan your stops. When figuring out how long the trip is going to take, make sure to take all your stops into consideration. If you know when and where you’re going to take stops, you’re less likely to make unnecessary stops or waste time finding a good place to stop. If you have the time, consider making a stop at a park. It feels great to walk around and get some fresh air. And you never know when you might be driving that way again, so take advantage of any local landmark or famous restaurants. Leave home a little bit earlier and make the trip more memorable.

Image courtesy of digitalart at

Post by: Noelle C.

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