Monday, March 30, 2015

How Do Successful People Stay Calm

The ability to manage your emotions and remain calm under pressure has a direct link to your performance.
Ninety percent of top performers are skilled at managing their emotions in times of stress.  Stress can wreak havoc on our physical and mental health, long periods of stress can cause degeneration in the brain that is actually responsible for self-control.

The tricky thing about stress or anxiety that it comes with is it is actually a necessary emotion.  Our brains are wired so it is difficult to take action until we feel at least some emotion, in fact, performance peaks under moderate levels of stress, as long as it is not for long periods it’s harmless.  Long periods of stress can contribute to increased risk of heart disease, depression and obesity and decreases performance.

Ten ways to help you stay calm:
  1. Avoid asking, "What if" 
  2. Stay positive
  3. Disconnect - when you make yourself available 24/7 you expose yourself to constant stressors
  4. Limit caffeine – this one is a huge difficulty for myself
  5. Sleep
  6. Squash negative-talk
  7. Re-frame your perspective
  8. Breath
  9. Have a support system - use it
  10. Appreciate what you have

Just food for thought, some things are easier said than done, however, with practice we can achieve way more than not.

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

Post by: Lori S.

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