Thursday, April 24, 2014

NEW On the Horizon: A Blog Revival!

Have you ever had a question and thought “I wonder if I’m the only one who doesn’t know that” or “Is that a stupid question to ask?”  Finances can be tricky.  It’s easy to feel like somehow everyone else has the answers, while you just scratch your head. 
What’s the difference between a credit union and a bank?   Do I have the best accounts for my needs?  How much do I need for an emergency savings?  What is a good rate on a loan?  How do I know if I even qualify for a loan?  I want to buy a new car…now what?  What are the hidden costs to owning a home?  How can I teach my kids to be smart with money?  What do I do if my wallet gets stolen?  What’s considered a good credit score?  What’s MY credit score?  

At Horizon Community Credit Union, our mission is to “Achieve Member Success”.  We’re here for you!  No question is stupid or silly if it helps you understand something better or make a smarter choice – plus, chances are, if you’re wondering about something so are lots of other people!  So don’t be sheepish, ASK AWAY!  Our goal is not just to be your financial institution, but to be your lifelong trusted financial partner.  A place you can go for advice and sound information.  A company who helps you succeed financially and reach your goals.  A company who is there for you through the ups, and maybe more importantly, the downs.  A company who puts you first, before profits.  YOUR credit union.  

We’re available in person, on the phone, via email, through online banking…you could even fax us if you really wanted to.  And now, we are reviving our blog to bring you helpful financial tips, insightful information for the questions  you might feel too shy to ask (but really, stop it, no one’s judging!), and to give you a peek into HCCU, our staff, and our local community.  So put us to work for you – and we DO work for YOU, our shareholders, after all – and let us know how we can help you achieve financial success!   

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