When people think of “spring cleaning,” a garage or basement full of old things comes to mind. Rarely do people consider that their electronics need their own spring cleaning (and I’m not just talking about making sure you dust between the keys). In our modern world, we are quite dependent on our computers and devices. Since we are using them so regularly, we hardly ever think to “clean” them. If you haven’t a clue where to start, don’t worry. I’ll give you a few tips that I've found and a few of my suggestions.
1) Run a Disk Cleanup: On a Windows PC or laptop, go to the Start Menu. All versions of Windows have search capabilities. Search “Disk Cleanup,” and once you find it, run it.
2) Clean out your web browser cache: This takes up a lot more space than you’d think. Most browsers have a settings tab where you can do this.
3) Uninstall Programs: Go to Start -> Control Panel ->Programs->Uninstall programs. Select and uninstall programs that you know you do not use. Sometimes you can accidentally install unnecessary programs, and that will slow down your computer.
4) Defragment your hard drive: After you've done all this deleting, your hard drive will be fragmented. Your computer will thank you. Simply go to the start menu and search “defrag,” and a program like “Disk Defragmenter” will show. Run that program. Word to the wise—back up your information, just in case!
1) Clean Out Pictures: This is a big offender when it comes to taking up memory. Plug your smartphone/device, via USB cord, into your computer. Open it much like you would open the contents of a flash drive (go to Computer in your Start Menu). When you find the folder(s) of pictures, copy and paste them to your desktop. Now your pictures are backed up, and you can delete the files in the folder as you feel necessary.
2) Uninstall Apps: Apps can be lovely, but they also take up a fair amount of space. Delete the ones you aren't using, and be honest with yourself. Do you really need 4 apps for games?
3) Clear Call History and Old Texts: These take up quite a bit of space. Clear your call log and delete old texts. This is a habit to keep up so that your device continues to run well.
4) File Manager: This is suggested for Android phones. After you delete an app, the file folder can remain on the phone, taking up space. CNET suggests the Astro File Management app for this purpose.
5) Back Up and Restore/Reset: Plug your phone in via USB to your computer, and back up all files. Head into your settings and do a factory reset. It won’t be clogged up and it should still connect to your cellular network.
Though you know you need to clean that basement or garage, do a quick clean up on your computer and devices first. If you would like more information on spring cleaning your technology, simply search “tech spring cleaning” on your search engine or check out the link below to help you find more ways to make your devices run faster. Happy cleaning!
Post by: Breanna B.